Bottom Line's Healing Remedies

Availability: 1
  • $5.90

Author Wilen%2C Joan%2C Wilen%2C Lydia
ISBN 0887234127
Binding Hardcover
Condition Used - Very Good
Condition Description
Category Physical Science & Medicine
Publisher Boardroom%2C Inc.
Publication Date January 2006
Remedies for what ails you A-Z (well, W) -- Allergies and hay fever -- Anemia -- Animal encounters -- Arthritis -- Asthma -- Atherosclerosis -- Back pain -- Body odor -- Bruises and skin discoloration -- Burns -- Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) -- Colds and flu -- Constipation -- Coughs -- Depression and stress -- Diabetes -- Diarrhea -- Drinking problems -- Ear problems -- Emphysema -- Eye problems -- Fainting -- Fatigue -- Foot and leg problems -- Frostbite -- Gallbladder problems -- Gout -- Hair problems -- Hand and nail problems -- Headaches -- Heart problems -- Hemorrhoids -- Herpes -- Hiccups -- Hypertension -- Indigestion -- Jet lag -- Memory problems -- Muscle aches -- Nausea and vomiting -- Neuralgia -- Nosebleeds -- Phlebitis -- Rashes and itchy skin -- Sexual problems -- Sinus problems -- Skin problems -- Sleep problems -- Smoking -- Sprains and strains -- Sunburn -- Tension and anxiety -- Tooth and mouth problems -- Ulcers -- Urinary problems -- Varicose veins -- Warts -- Weight problems -- Healing remedies for children -- Healing remedies for men -- Healing remedies for women -- Remedies for natural beauty -- Remedies in a class by themselves -- Preparation guide -- Six sensational superfoods -- Amazing, super-duper facts and advice -- Sources -- Health resources.

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